Eight years, or so, ago Harbor Shalom was just starting to work on logos, by-lines, and the like. Today we are supposed to be marketing our brand. Whatever one might call it, it is time for some serious make-over. The Rest-Renew-Refit by-line picked up the theme of a harbor where ships came to rest, unload, repair, be refit for new commissions, reloaded, etc. Early on at Harbor Shalom we engaged in a broad variety of activities and classes intended to provide valuable information to adults looking for help doing life in healthier, more fulfilling ways. After seven years, our board of directors decided it was time for a change of location and a season of sabbatical for the dual purpose of getting our foundational class, Birthright of Freedom, to publication, and re-evaluating the program and vision for Harbor Shalom in the next season.

Birthright of Freedom, a Study in the book of Judges, was released by Westbow Press in February, 2019. It is available from Westbow Press, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and through the Mussers at Harbor Shalom.

We are relocated to Cobalt, CT for this season. For now we are narrowing the scope of what we do, focusing on teaching believers how to deal with generational sins and curses using our study, Birthright of Freedom, and ministering deliverance and inner healing. The “plan” is to remain where we are while we seek God for the refining of vision and His direction concerning “place”. In addition, the website is getting a major face-lift to improve our presence in the world we want to touch for Christ. Look for it soon! And, let’s stay in touch, or reconnect.

Meanwhile, we remember that it is God at work within us to desire and to accomplish His good purpose. God’s ways are not ours, neither are our thoughts His. Our lives, every moment, our destinies—are laid in His hands. And to Him will be the honor, the power, and the glory forever, throughout all ages!